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Case Study

Endeavour Federation

Endeavour Federation: Embed – Conflict Resolution

Dr Luke Roberts met with Alan Braven, then Chief Executive of the Endeavour Federation. During the conversation, they discussed the need for a model of education that recognises the emotional health and well-being of students and the importance of peaceful schools, which allowed students (and staff) to recognise how to manage their emotions in conflict situations to achieve peace in their school communities.


Generation 1 – CR Practitioners.

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Generation 2

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Generation 2 Feedback

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Generation 3 Feedback

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Visual Voices

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Generation 1 – CR Practitioners.

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Generation 2

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Generation 2 Feedback

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Generation 3 Feedback

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Visual Voices

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About the Endeavour Federation

Endeavour Federation provides education for pupils in Late primary school (KS2), and secondary (KS3 and KS4) in Manchester, England. Endeavour aims for all pupils to develop their skills and reach their full potential in a safe learning environment.

The Federation includes Castlefield Campus, Meade Hill School and Southern Cross School. All pupils have education, health and care (EHC) plans based primarily on a range of social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) issues. All of our staff are committed to providing an effective learning environment within small class sizes.

In 2019

Dr Luke Roberts meet with then Chief Executive of the Endeavour Federation Alan Braven, during the conversation they discussed the need to have a model of education which recognises the emotional health and well-being of students, the importance of peaceful schools which allowed students (and staff) to recognise how to manage their emotions in conflict situations to achieve peace in their school communities.

The work of conflict resolution would fit in with an already developing mental health eco-system as well as the vision of the Federation as: A centre of excellence built on a relational approach, where pupils feel safe to explore and enjoy learning, achieving positive outcomes and successful futures for all.

Developing a community of practice.

Calm Logo

Post-training the group committed to meeting in person and virtually to discuss cases but also how to support teacher and students through having a clear brand and communication strategy.

Logo and branding was developed across the three schools.

C.A.L.M stand for Create A Lasting Moment.

Developing a relationship with the USA.

Nathan Maynard

The Endeavour Federation invited Nathan Maynard –author of Hacking School Discipline and CEO of Highfive to develop training based on his work. Dr Luke was invited to join a 2023 session.

This led to a conversation how to develop a pilot between school in the USA and UK.

Building Bridges: The Endeavour Federation (Manchester) and The League School (New York).

The Building Bridges Project, involved the twining of the Endeavour Federation’s Southern Cross School and the League school. It was an opportunity for schools which don’t exclude but focus on restorative practice and mental health to come together.

The virtual sessions connected leaders and staff from across the Atlantic to discuss what restorative practice was and how the schools' addressed issues of culture and practice.

The sessions were co-hosted between Dr Luke Roberts (UK) and Lindsey Roga (USA) to allow staff to share experiences and challenges.

Endeavour at Cambridge University

The Endeavour Federation Conflict Resolution Team, Hacking Group (those developing training on Hacking School Discipline) and senior leaders came to Cambridge to hear Dr Luke Roberts and Dr Terence Bevington discussing Systems of Peace in Education.

The team discussed how their model of support for students made a difference to a range of factors such as mental health, attendance and school culture.

The day allowed the Endeavour Federation to reflect on how their work can contribute to practice and research, as well as recognition that they were developing a system which supports peace in schools.

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