Leading Schools and Sustaining Innovation: Reflections from Dr Luke

Dr Luke Roberts is delighted to share his new book for those interested in changing systems, leading with big ideas and what it takes to sustain innovation. This book shows how to apply thinking in systems to educational settings to enable readers to make a lasting difference.

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Leading Schools and Sustaining Innovation: Reflections from Dr Luke


Purchase Dr Luke's book now!

Dr Luke Roberts is delighted to share his new book for those interested in changing systems, leading with big ideas and what it takes to sustain innovation. This book shows how to apply thinking in systems to educational settings to enable readers to make a lasting difference.

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Why I decided to write a book on systems for educators?

You might be wondering why I decided to write a book on systems for educators. Well, the truth is, I've been increasingly concerned that the promise of education to improve lives and communities seem to have levelled-off. For me, this is not because Leaders within school communities have become less creative or innovative, actually the opposite may be true; leaders recognise the need for innovation more now than ever, and yet. Yet, if we fail to understand our educational systems we have become tolerant of things that perpetuate high staff turnover, student disengagement, and parental conflict.



For me writing this book was not to focus on specific issue but how the eco-systems of education can deliver its promise to change lives, or undermine the very things that school communities are seeking to achieve every day. Thinking in systems is challenging and counter-cultural, school performance seeks to break things down, this book argues the exact opposite, build things up through interconnection.

Why I decided to write a book on systems for educators is because thinking in systems is a crucial skill for anyone who wants to understand and improve the world around them, whether it's in business, politics, science, or personal life. Systems are everywhere, and they can help us solve problems, avoid pitfalls, and achieve our goals. That's why I wanted to share my insights and experiences with you in this book. So why did I write this book, because what better place to start than education and educators if you want to change a system. I hope you'll find it useful and enjoyable.

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