Leading Schools and Sustaining Innovation: Reflections from Dr Luke

Dr Luke Roberts is delighted to share his new book for those interested in changing systems, leading with big ideas and what it takes to sustain innovation. This book shows how to apply thinking in systems to educational settings to enable readers to make a lasting difference.

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Our Specialism

The services on offer have been developed by Resolve Consultants to help those exploring challenging situations or implementing change to have a framework of support. With more pressure on organisations, managers and employees to deliver than ever before; having the right tools to bring your ideas to life has never been more important. 

Our services are delivered in partnership with leading experts in their fields.  For our clients this adds value to their service requirements, having expertise both from the academic and operational worlds.

Please click on a service to find how it could benefit you, click on the contact us link to discuss which services are right for you and your requirements.

Thinking in Systems: An introduction


To understand different ways to think in systems and what this means for leaders and organisations.


An initial introduction to thinking in system, sharing insights and theory to address system challenges. By sharing concepts and tools, including a real time system visualisation to enable participants to apply learning.


By sharing concepts and tools, including a real time system visualisation to enable participants to apply learning.

Thinking in System: Application


This supports organisations or partnerships of organisations understand their system through exploring a particular aspect system.


Theses sessions can be delivered in person or online and help to visualise the aspect of the system, to develop shared mental models and understand behaviours created by the systems they engage with.


The sessions begin with exploring the system from a range of perspectives. A second hosted session with our collaborators from Scriberia to visualise the system of interest. The final session focuses on system solutions and indicators of change.

Executive Thinking in Systems Learning


For executives facing increasing complexity in organisations there is a need for a tailored learning experience which supports Leadership Executives to develop a way to engage with their organisation as a complex system. This may be due to the challenges of growth cycles or leaders engaging with historic issues which hinder future progress


Our Complexity Approach goes beyond most forms of management thinking to help Executive Leaders address complexity and challenge and harness new forms of creativity and participation.


One-to-one sessions are co-constructed using our complexity approach, combined with real world challenges or scenarios to support personal development and growth as an Executive Leader. Harnessing the ability to think in systems empowers Leaders to address specific challenges, and enhance opportunities for system change

Want to know how we can help your organisation?

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