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In the implementation phase Resolve support client to understand their present system state and what needs to happen to become the catalysis for change.

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Understanding history

Systems have patterns over time, this is what makes their history. Resolve value the histories of organisations and communities to understand how the past links to the present.

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Value lived experience

Resolve engages with stakeholders to enable their voices to be heard and their “system knowledge” to valued

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Safe Psychological Spaces

To ensure that stakeholders feel valued Resolve in the system change Resolve, is committed to creating safe psychological spaces for histories to be told and creativity can emerge.

Related Case Studies


Young People with Care Experience: Journy Through The Criminal Justice System

System solutions identified by Resolve and championed by Spectra included the use of restorative practice to create a more empathetic experience when professionals engage with young people with care experience.

Are you struggling with Complex Challenges?

We excite individuals, teams, and communities through systems thinking and reflective leadership, engaging them in a culture of innovation and collaboration that benefits all, guided by inspiring and empowered leaders.

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